Help Centre is Sublime Pictures page that highlights all the ways to use to site. And to get up to speed about what usage is allowed and what is not.

First of all watch our video that guides you through our clip download and purchase practice.

How can I Licence a clip?

When you use a free clip with a watermark you can use it anywhere you like for any purpose as long as it does not defame or abuse Sublime Pictures or Activideo Communications in any way.

This clip is only an HD clip and of course has Sublime Pictures branding burnt in. You are not allowed to remove this branding or mask it.

If you want to use a non watermarked clip you have to purchase an HD, UHD, 6k, 8K clip depending upon what is available.

This includes a standard Licence.

The standard licence may not be enough for your project so consider add-on licence.

If you have bought a standard licence and wish to upgrade to an Add-on License then you can buy the ad on licence back on the page where you bought the original clip.

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