
New Drone

in Uncategorised on 3 November 2023

Mavic 3 Pro Cine has been purchased!

Mavic 3 pro cine

This will enhance our image quality. It will give us the option of using apple prores codecs which have a much bigger data rate and will give much better images when fine detail and subtle patterns are threatened by low data codecs.

The much bigger data rate is supported by the use of a 1TB onboard hard drive. Files can be offloaded by a high speed data link to a laptop.

Other advantages with this drone are waypoint flying, all round obstacle sensing, 43 minutes air time, three different focal lengths a more solid air frame and wind resistance.

We have used it for some of our broadcast work already on Coronation Street.

new drone

Let us hope that the Mavic 3 Pro Cine isn’t upgraded in the near future 😉

Our sister company that does bespoke work is here

Categories: Uncategorised

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