
Sublime Pictures Startup

in Knowledgebase, News on 31 January 2021
Sublime Pictures is a stock footage website, we are on a new but exciting journey. We will be filming by drone and 6K plus cameras to generate exciting and occasionally mundane footage. My name is Brian Barnes and I have been generating video content for more years than I care to remember. In the picture you see me in the Himalayas on Gokyo Ri, that was exciting and I was using one of the first SVHS cameras! Things have moved on a bit technically since then.

Mundane doesn’t sound very sexy does it? But sometimes that is what your project needs, so yes we will be generating exciting “that is damn cool” content but also pedestrian but unique shots too.

The quality counts

We will be uploading some historical content and some which have been grabbed on the go on iPhone but that doesn’t mean it won’t be sublime. Sometimes you have to use the tools you have to hand. We hope that although the footage is unremarkable it may just be necessary to tell your story. Some examples maybe

Facebook video, website content, YouTube stories, TV programmes, documentaries, Instagram, TikToc in fact anyone who needs sublime pictures.

Why 6K plus?

stock-footageAny of our new footage or specifically themed shoots in studio etc. will be 6K or higher and shot on Black Magic RAW. We will always try to provide a drone shot and a variety of ground-based shots to open options for the use of each setup. This will future proof the assets and give you more options. We will grade the footage to be neutral and leave any creative washes, vignettes, tints or tilt-shift effects to your editors or yourself.

We have already sent out emails to gain access to specific areas we would like to gain access to. So let the stock footage excitement begin!

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